Growth is a Fickle Mistress with Leslie Hassler
In this episode of Straight Talk About Sales, I am joined by Leslie Hassler, an author, speaker, and business strategist who helps business owners produce predictable profits, fund growth, stabilize cash flow and enjoy more freedom. Go to the Show Notes here.
Here is the transcript:
You. Hello, and welcome to another episode of Straight Talk about Sales. I am so excited to have with me today, Leslie Hassler. Welcome, Leslie. Howdy.
Welcome. Glad to be here. Oh, my gosh. So Leslie and I have known each other for many, many years, and I've read her book, First This, Then That. Actually several years ago in I've always known.
I told Leslie before we started recording that I wanted to talk to her about a particular chapter because it's just so juicy. So we're going to dive in, but before we do, Leslie, I would just. Like for you to share a little bit more about how did you get to the work that you do now. What led you here?
I always say that what led me here was a conversation with God, or rather years of conversation with God. It wasn't just one conversation. It was about two years long. This is my second business. My first business I likened to being the school of hard knocks.
I got an MBA from this school. I failed some subjects more than once. And at the end, my first business, we started out well. We crashed hard, struggled for a couple of years, built it back tremendously, successfully, so much so I got a global business award for Fastest Turnaround company. And I will tell you, you would think that would have solved all my problems.
But I hated my business. I had clients, I had money, I had a team. And I hated going to work on Monday. And so I really kind of sat around going asking, God, okay, God, if it's not this, then what? What is it that I love?
What is it that I thrive off of? What impact do I want to have? If I don't like this, then what do I want? And it was really a lot of soul searching that brought me into Your Biz Rules. And Your Biz Rules is now ten years old.
So I like, congratulations. That's a huge milestone. I know. We're really excited about that, but we're working on our 10th year, and this is my playground. This is everything that I ever went through in my life, brought me to here.
And this business feeds my soul in a way that the first didn't. So I learned a lot. Now, if I had a do over, I would totally do it differently. In that first business, we live and we learn, and that's part of the growth evolution, part of what it's like to be an entrepreneur. Totally.
I have a mentor who often says we go through what we go through to help others go through what we went through. So I know you're leveraging all the lessons you've learned to help your clients not make those mistakes. And so we thank you for going first. So happy that I could do that. For you, because you did it and you survived.
You're still here. Definitely survive. Oh, my goodness. So let's just talk about the book. So chapter four, if you all have not read this book, I encourage you to go grab it because it's amazing.
But chapter four is titled Growth Is a Fickle Mistress. And I remember when I first saw that, I was like, because everyone is talking about growth and the importance of growth and you should always be working to grow. And I had never heard anyone tell me about the fickleness of growth, especially where my business was several years ago when I first picked this up. And so I'm just going to read a little bit, Leslie, because you're going to have to help us with this. One of the things that you say is growing your business seems like a natural first goal for any business.
I would agree with that as a worthy goal, just maybe not your first goal. And I think this next part is probably even more controversial because you say getting clients might seem like a worthy first goal for any business. I would agree that it is a worthy goal, just maybe not the first goal. So understand why you're saying that these may not be our best first goals.
Growth and scalability. I mean, this is the work that we do and the work that we do with our clients. And the reason why I think we get a little misguided, which is why I'm saying those are worthy goals, but perhaps not the first goal is that for most business owners, I will say we would consider ourselves accidental entrepreneurs. I will tell you I was an accidental entrepreneur. My first business definitely, found out on Wednesday that Friday would be my last day at my job and opened up a business on Monday.
Not a whole lot of stinking of planning going on right now. I also will preface, I don't think you need to be perfect to get started. It's just that sometimes we skip over some really fundamental steps that would make the journey so much easier. If we took the time or if it's a patience issue or time issue. It just is an awareness issue, like people don't know.
So one of the things we talk about a lot of, and if I just share our brand promise, is that we can create $100,000 in new profits in twelve months or less and do it in a way that's predictable, which, hello, that's gravy, thank you. Without burnout. But what we have to understand is sometimes we can put the cart before the horse. And if our business model, let's say, is not a profitable, scalable business model, it doesn't really matter how much we grow, if that makes sense. So we've come behind some early clients, some early stage businesses, and done a little analysis that we do and on one client, what we found, and I even think we used the example in the book, they effectively were spending $1,200 to get a client.
Now, if you're new, that may sound like, oh, that's a lot of money. It's really not right. And it was okay for this industry, but they were only getting, like, $1,000 in income for spending $1,200. The math is wrong. So if the math of the business doesn't work, you can never work enough to make it work.
And I think the phrase we use in the book is you can't make up in volume what you lose in margin.
That's a writer downer. That's a writer downer right there. Especially if you're a service business. Well, it doesn't matter if you're negative margin. I don't care if you're service or product.
You cannot sell enough to outdo that margin loss. Yes. And so that's one of those things that we're like, okay, look, just take the time to look at this and really dig into how can you be profitable in product based business? There's this concept of minimum viable product. Your MVP.
Just think of it as your MVP. It typically is around seven figures. That typically is when I go, oh, you could be a make a million dollar business as a product based business. Because these are the stories that service based businesses really have to model up. They're choosing the wrong MVP.
And so for service based businesses, it really needs to stand for minimum viable profitability. Yes. Another writer downer. Another writer minimum viable profitability. Say that fast three times.
Yeah. And it's basically the game is at the smallest level of business, the least amount of revenue. When can you be profitable? Okay. Because if you can do that, then you can pay for growth.
Yes, but we can talk more about growth being a fickle mistress because she's got lots of fun habits. Oh, my gosh, I want to talk about this, Leslie, because our paths have crossed a lot over the years and us working together in different capacities. And so I know you see this, right? And I know the types of things you do with your clients, and it's just like, how? And so one story that just popped in my brain is a million dollar company, $15,000 are one of the offers that we were chatting about with a client.
And then she reveals to me that the offer isn't making the money. And when you think about it, because you hear a lot, especially with coaches, high ticket, high ticket, high ticket, high ticket, high ticket sales, and you think you could just take a number and slap it on an offer, and it worked. And then when she's like, this isn't profitable, I'm like, how? So walk us through what does that look like? What numbers do we need to look at?
What are things that we need to take into consideration? Because a lot of times, unfortunately, we're just pulling numbers out of the air. Yeah, there's a couple of things I'll say. First is, beware of the industry standard.
Do not price your products or services based on what the market is charging. And if you're only listening, you missed my air quotes. Because we see this time and time and time and time and time. Yes. Oftentimes we assume, like, we see a million dollar business making a $15,000 offer.
We think that's the right price point, because if it wasn't, why would they be making it likely? Somebody said, hey, it should be about 15,000. You should sell something about 15,000. 15,000 will sell all day long. Right.
And then they backfilled the project with the work of the aspect. So when it comes to profitable pricing, you've got to do a couple of things. One is, you need to be pricing for the business you want to have, not the business you currently have. Right. We're even doing this a product based business that we're working with right now is we re-engineered the pricing, out the wazoo because it wasn't profitable for them.
Now, they have a unique USP, they've got a unique product, all this stuff. But the pricing that we determined was based on the business that we want to be having at capacity, not the business we currently have. Oh, good. Right. Because if you're not generating profit, you're never going to get that future business.
Never. So you need to have a budget. I know. That's really scary. We help people do that, too.
Leslie, you using all this profanity on the show today. Did you just say the B word? Budget? No.
But yeah, a budget. And the thing I think that scares people with budgets, they go, I just don't know. And it's like, okay, but you can guess. Well, what if I'm wrong? Guess what?
There's no Catholic nun standing here with a ruler who's going to slap your hands when you figure out something better. Yes. Let the fear of you don't know or the fear of what if I'm wrong? Stop you from taking a guess. So good.
You just find the intention. Right? And intention is so huge to all of this equation and awareness, and you build from there. And so we look at things like what's the company need to run at the level that we want it to be? What's our capacity at that level?
What future investments are we going to need to make? And then what does that mean? So that gives us the raw number, right? Maybe it's $8,937.24. Well, you're likely not going to go sell that, right.
Let's be honest. So that's where the art comes in. Right. But as I think what people forget and we work with people in six different kind of hidden ways that profit leaks out of the business, what we have to do is then make sure that the work that we're designing for that fee, a, delivers value, b, solves a problem. These are the basics, right.
You know, this. Deliver value, solve a problem. But it's also sustainable. It's eatable at scale. Oh, my gosh.
Otherwise, the business collapses. And what good is that? Yeah. You become that one hit wonder. I got there once, but I couldn't stay.
Yeah. Because it was unsustainable. And that's kind of the second part of what we look at, is the sustainability of it and aligning. But every business has different goals. Every owner has different income needs.
Every owner has a different impact goal and value systems. That's why you can't just take what somebody else is doing and slap it on your business and expect it to work. It'll fail. It'll break, really. You'll spend a lot of money trying to make it work, and you'll think it's you, but it's just you're trying to do it the wrong way.
Yeah. That is so good. Oh, my gosh. Love it, love it, love it. So one of the things that you say in the book and this was one of the things that was underlined, highlighted, jumped out again, is you talk about growth and cash.
Yeah, I see this right now. I personally am feeling this. That's why I was like, okay, now you probably just need to go back and start from the beginning and reread the whole book. But one thing that you said was when your business is growing the fastest, you may find that your cash is at its lowest. Why?
Like, what is going on? Leslie, help us. How do we adjust for that? It does not make sense! Well, and I can even say I'm not the only one that thinks this. Jim Collins, Good To Great, Great By Choice, Built To Last.
All those series of books, which I would love, Jim Collins, if you're listening, would love to have dinner, would love to dish, because that would be so much fun. But a lot of his books will state that sometimes even in Fortune 100 501,000 companies, 18 months after they've posted their biggest year, they're filing for bankruptcy. What you need to understand is growth does not produce cash. Growth devours it. Wow.
And I think what happens is that we listen, I don't want to hammer on growth because we're making growth sound bad. Growth is necessary. It's a part of the process. Right. You need to be doing growth things, and then you need to be doing scalable things.
And then guess what? You'll go back to growth. People seem to feel like it's a checkmark. Like, done. I am done.
Growing really not how it works, right? No, that's not how it works. It's a dance. You take two steps forward with growth, you can take three steps forward in scale, and then you're going to have to go back to growth. And it's just a part of the process.
But growth won't solve your cash needs. And most people choose to grow again with the air quotes in order to produce cash. Let me give you another story. So I was talking about this concept of growth devouring cash with another business owner, and he goes, oh, I know what you're talking about. I was like, oh, please share the story.
I love stories. And he goes, Well, I bought the business from my dad. I said okay. And he's like, he's had this business for 35 years, but they've never invested in the technology to be able to operate at scale. So I come in, and I'm looking at it.
I'm like, this is the thing we need in order to get to the next level. He goes, And I make a six figure investment.
You're like, kunk, right? And I said, okay, tell me more. I said, how long was it before you saw the cash on that investment? Because I have a theory about this. And he goes, 18 months.
Yeah. Here's the sad state of affairs. Most small businesses and this is a statistic by Harvard Business Review, McKinsey and Company, a lot of different organizations that study this issue, basically the same stat. If you were to look at the cash on hand, this is what's in your bank account. Most businesses have between nine and 21 days worth of cash in the bank.
Wow. If you invest that into growth, do you have 18 months to wait for cash? You don't, do you? And a lot of times, people are like, how am I even supposed to know how many days? And I'm like, here's what it looks like.
Especially if you have a team and you worry about paying payroll at the end of the month, yet when you get there, you're always just able to do it. Don't know how you're going to do it next month. And at the end of next month, you're able to do it. But again, same cycle. You definitely are in that nine to 21 day.
You don't have enough cash on hand. Cash on hand. Now, nobody tells you this when you're doing business, and it's one of the first things we like to put into play. And it's why, in order to get people growing and scaling, we always work on the money first. Yes.
Because I know what's going to happen if you're in growth, and I know that's what you need. I know we gotta make some money first, some cash in order to fund the growth so the business doesn't capsize underneath it. Yes. That is so good. Honestly, we could just drop the mic and end right here.
But, you know, I have more questions. Well, along what you were just sharing, one of the things you say in the book is, growth is not a rocket. It is a spiral staircase. And I could see just going up because there's always these adjustments we need to make. And, like, you talk about cash, and again, I've seen it, whether it's for myself personally or even in supporting my clients.
And it's funny you say that. I remember having a client, and at the time, I was too in my own feelings to get it. She was having her fastest growth. We were bringing in cash like you would not believe Leslie. And then it was, like, almost on the heels of saying, we just had our record month.
Blah. Let's celebrate. It was, I need to start cutting hours and this and that and letting people go because there's a problem. And everyone was like, what do you mean? But now talking to you is like, oh, that makes sense, because we were growing so fast and having to make all these different investments and adjustments to really support that growth.
It's like crap. So one of the things, since we're talking about cash that you talked about in the book, was the Prince Charming Plan.
Let's talk about the Prince Charming plan because you already laid out the cash issue. I think a lot of people, whether they want to admit it or not, they definitely don't necessarily have 18 months. Even if they have more than 21 days, 18 months is definitely a lofty goal. So what are some of the things that we can do to address this cash problem? But first, you may need to enlighten the listeners around what you define as the Prince Charming plan.
Yeah, Prince Charming plan or the Savior plan is basically when you believe that all you need is one person to believe in you, one person to see the good work that you're doing and give you the money to make it happen. That's all we need. Right. Man, it sounds glorious, and it's interesting because we have a lot of relationships with bankers and private equity and venture capitalists and all the things that are in there, and I'm very interested in the funding side of business because it is a path. It is a tool.
It's just not a path or tool for 90% of the businesses out there. Right. And so as a path and tool, it really is our product based business that we were able to get banking and investment options in to be able to do the growth that we need to do. But there's also a business model there. There's proven track history there.
There's volume and scale there that makes it attractive. I think at the end of the day, what I want everyone to say, unless your mom or your dad or your great aunt Nelly, who loves you to pieces, that's going to give you the money that you need, you likely are going to have to create it. There's no Prince Charming. And if you changed your mindset to stop looking for someone to save you in your business and realize that you are the one to save your business, you might do some things differently. I do a lot of things differently.
It takes courage. And I was speaking this past week, and one of the keynote speakers talked about courage, and she talked about her growing her business, which her introduction said, I thought we were going to do nine medical facilities in three years. We wound up doing 27 medical facilities in nine months.
Wow. Okay. Yeah. Which sounds kind of crazy, but for what I know about growth and scalability. I'm like, that was probably terrifying.
Terrifying, but the right way. There's just such a rate of change right now as such an incredible exponential energy. If you can embrace it, if you can get over being safe. Because let's be honest, here's another one I'm like, girlfriend, business is the wild, wild west. Constant, constantly.
And if you're trying to be safe, it's likely not the place to be. Yeah. Because safe doesn't grow. It doesn't. I've seen people starve their businesses into anorexia yeah.
Because they're playing it safe. Absolutely. And it depends on what your goal is. Because, Leslie, it feels like on the one hand, I can see someone listening like, okay, well, growth is this fickle mistress, and we need to definitely approach it one way. But then you're saying if I make an investment, I need to have cash to be able to wait for that return on that investment?
How do I balance the two? Like, how do I take risks and not play it safe to definitely grow my business, to get it to wherever I want it to be, but do so in a way that's not going to continually keep me strapped for cash and praying every month that I can make payroll? What does that balance look like? Yeah. So the first thing I think is getting real with your numbers.
We find that a lot of our clients come in afraid to look at the numbers because they're afraid of being wrong. They also don't understand it or don't feel that they understand it. So we have to get real with them because it's the data. It's the indicator that says, do we put the gas on or do we hold the brake for a little bit? So we have to do that to get comfortable with your numbers.
Number two is we have to be very clear on where we're going. And when I was speaking this week, I asked, I was like, what is your number? And there happened to be somebody in the audience, and I was like, Can I ask you what your number is? You ask a woman what their number is. Oh, good gravy.
You would think I just asked them to climb up on the Gynecological table. Girl. It's a thing. It really is. But here's the thing.
When you can't express your number, and I'm not just saying I want a six figure business, that's not a number, that's a cloud. I want a seven figure business. Again, not a number, not a cloud. I need you to say, I need a $775,423.91 business done. Because that's a destination.
Yes. You know what you're going to, and if you don't know where you're going, you're never going to get there. So true. Right. We work a lot on getting people to clarify that part and understand why the number is what it is and then it's the implementation.
I'm going to borrow a phrase from Marie Forleo because I love this phrase. You might have to do the BJ and that's not what you think it is. It's the bridge job. You might have to do the thing that you don't want to do long term to produce the cash today. Be able to do the thing you want to do that you crave to do.
Right. And so when it's strategic, that book is an excellent example. I knew writing that book was going to take me out of my business. So I took a job that I did not want to be doing forever. I knew I wouldn't love, but I knew I could be good at because it brought in the income that paid for the time for me to write that book.
Yes, I prepaid the growth investment that I wanted to focus on. Right. Yes, I may have done it one or two more times, that job, but that's it. I was like, I knew that it was never a forever thing for me. And when you know why you're doing what you're doing to be able to go where you want to go, you get amazing clarity in that way.
So there's lots of ways that we look at creating cash. If it's a business that's been in business for a while, we'll run your numbers and go through and find the opportunities to plug profit leaks. Going back to your first question, why is growth maybe not the first thing you want to do? Because if your bucket is so leaky, everything that comes in goes right on out. Growth is not what you should be doing.
Fix the leaks. Yes. Because then you need less. You don't need more. You need less and you keep more.
So I don't know. Again, when we were talking about this chapter, I was like, I'm going to go against everything everyone says out there to make growth all sexy. But truth, if you knew this, you could execute growth in a whole stinking new way. You really could. You were one of the first people that I'd actually heard.
I remember when we were working on a project together and you mentioned that part of the reason why I'm doing this and I don't plan to do this particular project again is because I am preparing for some shifts in the business. Right. And we didn't go into the details of what those shifts were, but I was like, oh, my gosh, that's so stinking brilliant. Right?
It was just like, huh? Because there are those moments when you feel like you're always trying to play catch up because you're making these shifts and you're doing these things, but you never pause long enough to, like you said, to fund the growth that you know you want to make. And it was that lesson, even from you in that moment of, okay, Nadia, you need to carve out those times in your business to pause and to prepare for where it is you want to go and stop. Always trying to do it in the midst of I'm always in the midst of it trying to do it, and it's so stinking stressful. And I was like, I don't want to live my life like this longer.
When you work on tomorrow's business today, you will always feel like a firefighter. When you work on next year's business today, you're the one in charge. You're the king or queen of the castle, and it's a totally different experience to be in that mode of thinking, but you have to be willing to let go of the firefighting. Too many people find their value in the firefight.
It's true.
And again, I don't think it's as sexy for a mini because I don't hear a lot of coaches teaching what you teach and in the way that you teach it. So a lot of times you hear that they're always telling you to do the BJ, but in the midst of not being prepared, and it's always this constant crazy. So, yeah, you're going to take this jump and make this investment, but is now the best time to do that? Have they looked at all the other factors? And if you're constantly just trying to create cash to pay for the last investment you made, you're never really in a position, in my opinion, to prepare for where it is you really want to go.
And so, again, you don't really hear that teaching out there, which is one of the many reasons why I have to interview Leslie, because this is just so good. And I really hope people take it to heart, because now you can really lead a business and have your business work for you and not constantly feel like you're on that hamster wheel inside your business. Well, we're pretty aware that we're pretty unique in that because we tend to affix a lot of things in a business after some other consultants and things like that. And I think at the end of the day, it's not that the coaching world is wrong. It's just that we were coming out of an age of formulas and gurus, and we lost, which our company has not lost, by the way, is the ability to individualize, problem solve, critical think and align the strategies, actions and goals to the business owner.
To the individual business owner. That's why our company is Your Biz Rules, not my biz rules. Absolutely. It's always funny when people go, yeah, you're with my biz rules. And I was like, oh, you really like my company then?
Good to know we're doing a good job. But if you look at it in these ways and it says, okay, that sounds really hard, that you're going to have to change everything, that you're going to have to change the nature of cash in your business from being. Something you chase to something you cultivate so that you can reinvest and reharvest. Just to let you know, what this I mean, for the change that can happen. Like, after you get some of these things in place, we had a company come in mid six figures, working their tail off, like, Leslie, I need to make more money, but I can't afford to hire people.
I don't have any more time to work. I'm dying. And that's typically what happens around that number, by the way. That's a very normal thing to happen. It means that your business model won't scale past that number.
All right. So we worked with them on a lot of different strategies. One was really changing the nature of cash. In nine months, we took her top line and made it her bottom line, like what? She took home quadrupled.
Oh, my gosh. Yes. She paid for taxes, and she brought in more team and, and, and right. And that's the thing we love is we like to say it's not about or. We don't want you to have to choose between this or that.
We want to make as many ANDs possible. We want you to pay yourself and be able to invest in your growth and higher quality people. And that's our game that we like to play. So shifting the nature and being willing to do something different enough to see a different enough result generally gets rewarded. Yes.
I love it. Oh, my gosh. So as we prepare to wrap up, you mentioned this, and it's on my notes of things to ask. One of the things you mentioned in the business in the book and you kind of mentioned it during our conversation today is you said that most service based businesses are not scalable. Yeah, I know.
It's sad, isn't it?
Why and what do we need to start doing to fix that?
I would start off by saying that's not necessarily a bad thing. True. That is true. Thank you for saying that. So it depends on your goals.
You can be an amazingly profitable small service based business at the 300, 350 and profit more than a $700,000 or let me get my right numbers $1 million business would be, there's a lot of broke millionaires out there, let's be honest. Or broke million dollar businesses. In the service based business, what tends to happen is your high profitability up to about half a million from half a million to 1 million. It's like, can you outrace the profit leaks because you're having to invest in so many people and really be able to do that, which makes people go, oh, I'm going to do the low ticket thing and sell subscriptions.
Well, the hard part about that is you gotta have some serious chutzpah, meaning there's a lot of attraction. There's a lot of people coming to you. You have volume, so it takes a lot of people to make the volume methodology go or a lot of money because you're going to be buying ads, you're going to be buying clients, and then it's almost like a whole different kind of business model. So, service based business, the biggest thing is one is over delivery. We're over delivering for the price that we're charging.
We're also probably not well supported enough to be able to have somebody to do their sales, hi, Dr. Nadia, support on the non-billable stuff and be able to reach capacity and efficiency and still have the energy. Because as a solopreneur, really, you're going to get like 60% of your time and client work. You still have to pay bills, you still have to clean your office. Although, please do not look at mine right now.
Same. I'm, like, glad the camera is up here.
There's just so many other aspects of it. So even in my business, it's only been in the last probably nine months that I'm like, I see a path well into seven figures, and I've been looking for that path because I've studied too many of the models to go. I'm not sure I want to pay that price. Right. That's not the price I want to pay.
So how do I do this in a way that it’s in alignment with the rewards? I want to see the work that I want to do and the me I need to have leftover at the end of the day. Absolutely. I love that. So I think everyone needs to talk to you.
Oh, thank you. I'm just saying, have someone help you look at your numbers. And you've heard me often say this, ostrich leadership doesn't work. So we have to look at those numbers whether we want to or not. But I really know the value, one, of having outside eyes, and I know the work that you do and the amazingness that you exude and the impact you have on people's business.
I've seen you at work and you're like, oh, here, I just found this. And you're like how? Right? Because it's Leslie. Trust Leslie.
So how do people get connected with you? How do they work with you? Because everyone needs to talk to Leslie, and if nothing else, get the audit so we can know what your numbers are telling you. Yeah, listen, there are lots of ways that we can help, and I probably can't go into all those ways here, so let's just start. Like, if you're curious, if you're called to more, if you need to be making more money, because seriously, it's time.
And I think most importantly, if you're just done doing it by yourself and trying to feel your way in the dark, then I say the easiest way is let's just have a chat. And you can do that just at C-H-A-T. EasyPeasy. Find some time and we can talk.
If you're not quite ready, go to our website. We have an amazing blog. We have an amazing set of information. Grab the book off of Amazon. We are working on the second book, which we believe I don't know.
Our working title is the $100,000 profit plan. So the 100k profit plan. And talking all about more about the money and really why profit has got to be that first focus, so you can afford to grow and scale and do so sustainably. But, yeah, reach out. We are probably the most friendly, non sleazy people you're going to find in our industry.
And we just really care. We care about the people. We care about business. I believe totally that every business owner is in it to do a better life for themselves, their family, and when that's met, they do it for the world. And that's kind of why we're here, to support them in that kind of mission and vision.
I love it. I love it. Leslie also has an amazing LinkedIn newsletter, if you want to subscribe to that. I get it on the regular, shameless plug. It's a great resource and you can't go wrong with it.
So. Thank you, Leslie. Thank you so much, my friend, for being here today. This has been such an awesome conversation and I encourage everyone to connect with you. Thank you, ma'am.
So thank you all for tuning in to another episode of Straight Talk About Sales. We'll see you again soon. Bye.